Psychrometry and the Science of Drying
Psychrometry is the study of humidity and its effects on various materials. It would be a fascinating area of study if it weren’t so deadly.
As specialized experts in the science of drying out structures and property, we know how dangerous a little extra humidity can be.
Moisture plus dark is a dangerous mix that serves as an incubator for the formation of black mold, bacteria and biological agents that have been responsible for fatalities and respiratory disease across the country. If you have water damage in your home, you don’t want to expose your family to that kind of risk. If you operate a business, improper drying can be considered actionable negligence.
Our high tech psychrometry calculators and sensors tell us exactly where pockets of moisture are forming and what falls outside normal humidity levels.
Surface moisture is normally removed with dry and heated airflow accompanied by vacuum pressure. In the primary stages, evaporation proceeds rapidly. Beyond that early stage, things get increasingly complex.
There are four components that determine drying rates and successful restoration, referred to as the HATT:
- Humidity
- Air Flow Temperature
- Time
Modification of each component affects the other three and calculations quickly become impossible without advanced software.
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Restoration
One of the most important aspects of residential or commercial repairs that gets very little attention is the making sure that the air within the property can be adequately heated or cooled and that air flow is not blocked anywhere inside the structure. HVAC restoration can make the difference between recovery and another disaster.

These systems are especially critical in the wake of fire or water damage because an inadequate flow of air sets the stage for damage that could equal that of the original disaster.
In most cases, HVAC component must be replaced to ensure adequate air flow functionality because fire, smoke and water damage do not respond to normal mechanical and chemical cleaning procedures.