Fire and Smoke Damage Repair in Castro/Upper Market Neighborhood
If you have had a house fire in your Castro/Upper Market neighborhood home, the impact can be catastrophic. The physical and emotional loss of your personal property can cause great anxiety and unease in the days and weeks after a house fire. Many homeowners smell lingering smoke residue, even in portions of their house that fire did not scorch.
Smoke is absorbed into soft surfaces such as curtains, carpets, clothing, and bedding. This smoke residue leaves a toxic substance that can be dangerous when inhaled or on contact. This residue can continue to eat away at the finishes in your walls and furniture, further damaging electrical wires and outlets and possibly creating the right conditions for another fire in the future.
Allied Restoration Co. will help restore your Castro/Upper Market neighborhood home and belongings while helping you with your insurance claim. Following a consultation with you, we will refinish, sanitize, deodorize, and clean your home of fire and smoke damage. Call us today at (415) 529-5637.